CCF News

CCF’s carbon reporting tool recognised with Google Award

27th Sep 2023

We’re delighted to announce that our parent company, Travis Perkins plc, was recently presented with the 2023 Google Cloud Customer of the Year Award, Cross Industry for using a data-driven approach to improve fleet efficiency and reduce carbon emissions for deliveries to customers. This prestigious award was a recognition of the Group’s commitment to net zero with the CCF’s carbon reporting tool receiving a special mention!

The built environment is responsible for approximately 40 percent of global carbon emissions, so it’s vital that the industry as a whole continues to take steps to achieve net zero. Here at CCF, we are committed to developing solutions that bring tangible benefits to our customers and in terms of supporting them in achieving their own sustainability goals, our new carbon reporting tool is helping us lead the way.

The comprehensive carbon reporting tool provides information on the carbon emissions relating to the delivery of products to site for CCF customers, and was one of the key initiatives that supported Travis Perkins plc being awarded the 2023 Google Cloud Customer of the Year Award, Cross Industry. It’s great to see the tool recognised even in its trial phase, and we’re looking forward to building on this in the future by expanding its capabilities to also include the embodied carbon of the products, which will enhance insight and transparency for tangible carbon savings. 

Stefano Quatrini, Regional Sales Director at CCF said: “Such a respected award recognises the commitment we all have to achieving net zero. We’re proud to be part of a Group that is paving the way for improved services to our customers and the rest of the industry when it comes to sustainability, and we’re thrilled that CCF’s new carbon reporting tool has helped achieve this recognition. 

“We have developed our new carbon reporting tool to specifically meet the needs of our customers and this insight has only been possible by working closely with a sample group to test the technology on real-life projects. With the first trial now underway, the potential benefits and advantages of being able to track carbon emissions through the distribution phase of a project are clear and we are excited to progress to the next stage.”

Mansell Building Solutions, one of our customers participating in the trial, added: “Our aim in everything we do is to challenge the norms to drive the future in specialist construction, and aligning ourselves with innovative supply partners like CCF is a key part of this process.

“Seeing the investment that CCF is making into getting this tool right and making sure it will work in the way we as customers need it to is impressive. It's been great to be involved and have the opportunity to put our opinions forward as part of this process to ensure the finished tool will not only be useful to other customers, but will go above and beyond other available tools and programmes.”

CCF has also collaborated with several other customers on the first-phase development of its carbon reporting tool, including Errigal, Linear Projects, CCG and  Platt & Reilly

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